Cuerpo Directivo
Te nvitamos a conocer la información principal de nuestro director.
Rafael Lara Arellano
Nuestro Director
A Rafael Lara Arellano le corresponde sacar adelante el proyecto educativo del Instituto de la Cañada, apoyado por un formidable equipo de colaboradores, tanto en el ámbito docente, como administrativo. Cuenta con una larga trayectoria en el medio educativo de nivel medio superior. Su formación profesional se dió en el área de las ciencias naturales, toda vez que cursó una licenciatura de Químico Farmacéutico Biólogo en la Facultad de Química de la Universidad de Guanajuato. Antes de abrazar la docencia se desempeñó durante algunos años en el ámbito criminalístico de la Procuraduría de Justicia del Estado.
Fue en la década de los ochentas en que comenzó a involucrarse en la actividad docente, impartiendo clases propias de su área de estudios en instituciones públicas y privadas, particularmente en el nivel medio superior. Al paso del tiempo, incursionó en el tema de la administración escolar, sin abandonar su actividad como profesor, llegando a ocupar cargos directivos que le permitieron adquirir una visión más amplia del quehacer educativo en sus diversos aspectos.
Mantiene la convicción de que es a través de la educación que las personas pueden desarrollar al máximo su potencial y considera que bien vale la pena dedicarse de tiempo completo en el tema educativo, para ir mejorando las condiciones de vida de los individuos y de la sociedad en su conjunto.
Hace apenas cuatro años cursó una maestría en Análisis Político en la Universidad de Guanajuato, atendiendo al interés que tiene por el tema y al deseo de mantenerse activo y actualizado en lo que a la vida universitaria se refiere. Lo hizo además para confirmar que, no obstante la edad que se tanga, siempre se pueden trazar y conquistar nuevas metas. Simplemente lo que se requiere es la determinación para hacerlo.
La música ha sido también una constante en su vida, siendo su compañera de viaje desde su juventud y hasta le fecha. Ha sido un complemento útil para alimentarse espiritualmente y encontrar el equilibrio en un ambiente de grandes responsabilidades.

Senior Staff
With over four decades of law teaching experience, Johnny Jones is a nationally-recognized constitutionalist who has received numerous awards for his teaching, including the first-ever Pioneer Award for his commitment and dedication to students from the FIU Student Bar Association in 2004. Since then, students have voted him “Professor of the Year” multiple times.
Johnny Jones
Dean, Diversity and Compliance
Dennis Ruiz was a member of the faculty at Texas Tech University School of Law, where she held the Alvin R. Allison Distinguished Professorship and received every teaching award the law school and the University conferred. She was the Distinguished Fulbright Professor of American Constitutional Law at the National and Kapodistrian University of Greece in 1992.
Dennis Ruiz
Acting Vice President of Administration
Vernon Lowe first joined the University in 2006 as Assistant Dean for Academic Support Programs. He served as Assistant Dean until 2013, when he became a full time lecturer at the College. He teaches classes relating to legal theory and reasoning, race and law, gender and law, and in the area of commercial transactions.
Vernon Lowe
Assistant Vice President for Communications
Harriet Erickson
Vice President, Student Affairs
Wesley Clark was named Senior Advisor to the President in May 2018. An expert in corporate law, he teaches a wide range of courses including Contracts, Sales, Closely Held Business Organizations, Publicly Traded Corporations, Mergers & Acquisitions, International Law and International Securities Regulation.
Wesley Clarke
Senior Advisor to the President
Betty Bowman joined the faculty in 2002, and received tenure there in 2007. Before joining the faculty, she was a visiting assistant professor at Syracuse University College of Law. Prior to that, she was a legal consultant with JPMorgan Chase; a contract attorney for Cravath, Swaine & Moore; and an assistant prosecutor for the Ministry of the Attorney General in Toronto, Canada.
Betty Bowman
Acting Vice President for Finance
With over four decades of law teaching experience, Johnny Jones is a nationally-recognized constitutionalist who has received numerous awards for his teaching, including the first-ever Pioneer Award for his commitment and dedication to students from the FIU Student Bar Association in 2004. Since then, students have voted him “Professor of the Year” multiple times.
Johnny Jones
Dean, Diversity and Compliance
Dennis Ruiz was a member of the faculty at Texas Tech University School of Law, where she held the Alvin R. Allison Distinguished Professorship and received every teaching award the law school and the University conferred. She was the Distinguished Fulbright Professor of American Constitutional Law at the National and Kapodistrian University of Greece in 1992.
Dennis Ruiz
Acting Vice President of Administration
Vernon Lowe first joined the University in 2006 as Assistant Dean for Academic Support Programs. He served as Assistant Dean until 2013, when he became a full time lecturer at the College. He teaches classes relating to legal theory and reasoning, race and law, gender and law, and in the area of commercial transactions.
Vernon Lowe
Assistant Vice President for Communications